Most of today's mothers know the advantages of breastfeeding but the thought of nursing make most of them feel with dread. And it is ordinary to have such feeling. But try to understand more before you make up your mind to either breastfeeding or formula feed your infant.
But do you know that, breast is actually the central focus point of the baby. Breast is the source of comfort and security. Baby feels soft and warm when sucking the breast. It is a natural bonding where breast and baby have a close connection.
Human milk in uniquely produce for infant feeding. Human milk promotes growth, health and development in infant.
Below are the advantages of breastfeeding. Try to read more and understand more about breastfeeding:
- Breast milk is the perfect nutrition for newborn. It contains all the nutritional needs of infant.
- Breast milk also helps in the digestion by the enzymes, vitamins and mineral contain naturally in breast milk.
- Breast milk reduces the risk of acute and chronic infections of the infant.
- Breast milk also contains infections-fighting antibodies and aid development in immune system.
- Breast milk contains high cholesterol content which enhances brain development; improve cognitive development, building blocks of hormones, vitamin D and intestinal bile.
- Breastfeeding also satisfy baby's need to be held close with the mother. Baby love to be held close ad cuddles.
Breastfeeding also benefits mother. Let me share with you the advantages of breastfeeding to mother:
- Baby sucking helps to shrink mother's uterus after giving birth. This will help in reducing weight after childbirth for breast feeding moms.
- Breastfeeding help to balance the hormonal and emotional naturally.
- Breastfeeding reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
- Breastfeeding enhance the natural bonding between mother and baby. Mother can enjoy the joy that cannot be express through words by nourishing your baby at your breast and watching the growth of the baby one day after another.
- Breastfeeding is less expensive compare to formula feeding.