Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Breast engorgement

New mothers normally will face a lot of breast feeding problems. Among the commons problems are pain due to breast engorgement and sore nipples. Why do this happened and how to overcome it? First of all, understand what breast engorgement is and why this happened first. Breast engorgement basically is the milk level contained is greater than the areola or the size that they should contain in. Just imagine a 500ml container is filling with 550ml of water what will happen? This is breast engorgement.

Breast engorgement happened because your baby does not take the milk out as the body produce, the imbalance between milk produce and infant demand. Or it may happened if you normal breast feeding routine is interrupted, your baby suddenly stop breast-feeding due to poor appetite or increasing solid foods.

How to reduce the pain of engorged breasts? Get your baby to help you. When you are having breast engorgement, try to breast feed your baby. But, during engorged period, the nipple will be flattening. So you might need the help of hand or electric pump to pull off some milk first. You can also use hand, where finger on the bottom and thumb on the top and roll it from top to bottom. This will help to press the milk come out slowly. This will reduce your pain and eventually baby will attach and complete the job. Your baby is the most efficient comparing to any pump. So try to be patient and encourage your baby to help you.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

How to breast feeding

How to breast feed your infant/newborn?This is specially brought for new parent who never experience breast feed before. But for those parent who are not sure about the proper way of breast feeding do have this as reference. It is simple and easy seven steps during breast feeding.

  1. Put your thumb on top of your breast and other fingers below the breast.Dont touch the arelo (dark skin around your nipple) because this is where your baby's lips will be.
  2. Try putting your baby's lips to your nipple until he opens his mouth widely.
  3. Slightly push your nipple all the way in your baby's mouth and push baby's body close to you.This help by letting your baby's jaw squeeze the milk ducts under arelo.
  4. To make sure your baby is latched on the correct position, check the lips of the baby, it should be pout out (not be pulled in over his gums) and cover nearly all of the areola.
  5. Newborn will make some low-pitched swallowing noises.Baby's jaw may move back and forth.
  6. If you feel pain, this indicate that baby is not properly latched on.
  7. Your baby's nose may touch your breast during nursing.If you fear that your baby cant breathe, gently press down your breast near baby's nose to give him more room to breathe.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Infant's Sleeping Hours

3 months infant tend to sleep 15 hours per day. Normally 9 hours at night and 6 hours during daytime.Sleep cycle may varies for every hours.

6months infant tend to take 2 naps and 2 hours a pieve.THey will rest at night time sleep.

9months infant need to sleep 14 hours per day. The nap decrease of about 30 minutes for every cycle.

1year old and above, baby tend to sleep 131/2 hours and 11 hours at night time.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Infant Sleeping

Infant sleeping for the early months is full of interruptions because their sleep cycle is shorter than adults. Adults need six hours deep sleep and two hours light sleep and adult can sleep in one uninterrupted nighttime period. But babies don’t. Babies need a lot of sleep but they are having two times more light sleep cycles comparing with adults. So babies overall sleep cycles are shorter and they are having more light sleep than deep sleep. This cause they wake up frequently.

When they move from deep to light cycle of sleep they frequently wake up. Babies need help to fall asleep and getting back to sleep. So a lot of parents spend much time in helping their babies to fall into sleep. Parents face frustration situation- Where when they rock/hold their baby until fall asleep but when try to laying baby down, the minute baby’s head touch the mattress, baby wake up. This happened because the parent let the baby down when they are having light sleep. Make sure your baby is having deep sleep before putting her down to the mattress. Check whether the baby is in deep sleep by limp limbs. Try to pick up her arm or leg and if the arm or leg flops back down and baby doesn’t jerk it or awake this show that baby are in deep sleep.

Sleep is very important for baby. Baby needs a lot of sleep and normally they sleep for 16-18hours a day. Normally baby will tend to sleep two to three hour increments even at night time and they normally wake up for feeding and socializing. This will cause headache to parents. But don’t worry as infant grow, infant sleeping pattern will develop. They will start to wake up on regular rhythm. This will reduce a lot o hassle to parent.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Colic Remedy

We already discuss about the causes of colic in newborn or colic baby. Now let we explore colic remedy or colic calm.

You can place a warm water bottle on your baby’s stomach (make sure the temperature of the water is not too hot) for colic cure. This can help because sometimes colic happened because of too many air swallow into infant stomach when they cry. So these will easy the uncomfortable.

Colic cure can also be done by rocking your baby in rocking chair or cradle. Or rock your baby in rocking chair or cradle is one of the colic remedy too. Putting your baby in a wind-up swing will also make colic ease but confirm that you baby’s head is supported.

Warm bath for your colicky baby is one of the colic remedy too. Or you can try to give pacifier to your baby.

If all the above do not help to ease your colicky baby then you try to gently rub your baby’s stomach or wrap the baby in a soft blanket. Different baby will have different way to sooth when they are colic.

Colic can be ease by bring your baby to walk around in a stroller. When they go out and have a walk, they will feel not so uncomfortable like us also. So try to bring them walk around in stroller or go for a drive in car can also help in colic relief.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Colic in baby or Infant Colic

What is Colic? Colic symptoms are when baby cries loud and continuously and they will draw their arm and legs toward their body and it seem like they are in pain. They will stretch their arms and legs and stiffen then draw up again. Colic baby feet may be cold and hands may be clenched. Some baby face will even turn bright red from crying. Colic in baby will cause difficulty in falling and staying asleep. When this entire sign lasts for more than three hours a day, it is sign of colic.

Colic baby will cry more compare to normal baby and colic baby will cry most of the time. Until now, there is no confirming cause of colic. Colic baby are healthy. Colic is not caused by the way baby is handled or treated and it is not parent’s fault to have colic baby.

There are no exact causes of colic. But there are some theories on colic in baby. Colic may caused by the uncomfortable feel of the baby due to stomach pain or baby’s temperament. When baby cries, he may swallow air this will make his tummy tight and look swollen which will cause uncomfortable to him. Colic baby need more attention and is sensitive to surroundings compare to other babies. Some believe that colic is caused from immature digestive system. Apart than that, there are theory suggest that colic I due to immature nervous system where baby will tense up response to normal external stimulation. Even though there are many theories of causes in colic baby but there is no factual evidence on the cause of colic.

Newborn colic usually happens between third and six week after birth. Colic usually goes away by 3 months of age. Colic baby is not unhealthy so there is no worry. But if colic in baby occurs after 6 months old you need to consult doctor.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Baby Crying- Newborn Communication

Crying is a way of communication. Newborn using crying as their communication tool. Recall back to the moment of birth, your baby come to the world and communicate, baby first cry for the moment of birth. They began to communicate. Crying baby is the way your baby trying to communicate with you.

Baby cry is actually baby trying to communicate with you. Right after birth, you introduced your baby to your own ways of communicating such as touching, soothing, holding, facial gestures. Your baby will learn the language you are trying to communicated with them, on the opposite you will also need to learn your baby's language.

Newborn and young babies cry is generally tell you that something is wrong is their world. There is meaning baby crying, baby cry meaning varies. Crying is a way to express empty belly, wet bottom, tiredness, discomfort from tight clothing, they need to be held or cuddled, anxiety or emotional needs. Baby cries vary for different needs and as time go by you will be able to recognize your baby needs and respond accordingly. You will be able to identify their needs by type of crying, such as short and low-pitched is signal of hungry while choppy sound means 'I need cuddled, mummy' By trial an error, you will be able to recognise their needs.

When you baby cries, you should pick them up for cuddle and find out what they want and reassures that you will be always there for them. Don’t worry, this will not spoil your newborn by giving attention.

Don’t get panic by your crying baby. Occasionally, baby crying due to the feeling of overwhelmed by sights and sounds of the world. Sometimes, newborn baby crying with no apparent reasons at all. So, don’t get upset when baby cries and unable to console them immediately. Bear in mind, crying is a way of shutting out stimuli when baby overloaded.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Diet for breast feeding mothers

Mothers who practice breast feeding should have balanced diet in order to provide nutrition for both the mother and baby. Dieting while breast feeding is very crucial as this will affect mother and infant health.

Quantity of milk a mother produce very much depends on the mother's diet. Food that absorb mother not only fulfils mother nutritional needs but also enables her to produce milk. Normally mother nutritional needs are greater during postnatal period. Nursing mothers who do not feed herself properly will actually deteriorate her own health. Without sufficient nourishment during nursing period, mother’s body will make producing milk the first priority and mother’s own health will be affected.

In order to maintain mother health at nursing period, a balanced diet with calcium should be taken. Fruits, vegetables, whole-grain cereals, breads, eggs, meat or beans, milk and dairy product (cheese) should consist in daily meal. Consume balanced diet which include carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats.Nursing mothers will need to have 500 or more calorie than usual. Remove empty calories from your diet as much as possible but try to get as much nutrition as you can from the foods you had. Nursing period is not the time to go for diet to lose weight, because by practicing healthy diet the excessive weight will decrease naturally. Try to spread the calorie intake to over five meals, breakfast, lunch, after non snack, dinner and extra evening snack. Make sure your diet is rich in calcium and iron. In order to help your body absorb iron better, taking iron rich foods which contain vitamin C.

Nursing mother need to drink plenty of fluids. The high water consumption will increase quarterly per day. Higher consumption of fluids is essential for breast feeding mothers. During breast feeding period, mothers tend to be thirsty during feeding session this happened because part of the water consumption goes directly to milk production. Practice drinking a glass of water before nursing session.

Smoking should be avoided for breast feeding mom. As this is harmful for baby and also decrease the milk production. Mom who breast feeding should avoid caffeinated and alcohol intake before nursing. Intake of alcohol will pass through milk in less than an hour which will retard the growth of the infant. If you want to take alcoholic or caffeinated drinks, only do it when you need not have to nurse for few hours and only one or two drinks are allowed in one day.

Dieting while breast feeding is very crucial in determine mother and baby health.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How Often Breastfeeding is sufficient?

All mothers especially those new mummies will be worry whether their baby has sufficient nutrient from breastfeeding. Is the breastfeeding sufficient for the baby? Will breastfeeding hurt the mother? There are varieties of myth regarding breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is the best formula to welcome your baby to the world. Breast milk is the wonderful thing in the world it provides the entire nutrient that no formula milk can substitute. I guess all the mothers know that breast milk is easily digested compare to formula milk. So if breastfeeding is chosen for your baby then you should follow the instructions below in order for your baby to gain sufficient nutrient.

The common concern all the mothers have. How to ensure that your newborn getting sufficient milk? Normally after birth, infant will lose 10 % of the weight. But the weight lose will be gain back within 2 or 3 weeks times.

Normally, for the first month, breastfeeding is requiring for every 2/3 hours depend on the infant digestion ability. How often breastfeeding is require for infant. Normally, breastfeeding is requiring for 8/12 times daily for the first month. How to check whether your infant is sufficiently feed? Infant will be alert and content if they are well feeding. They will have steady weight gain.

If the infant is under feeding, their skin will remain wrinkled well after 1month, observe their face, infant who is not sufficiently feed their face doesn't fill out and the infant will not feel satisfy after feeding. This is all the symptoms of not sufficient feeding to your infant.

For the following two months, only 6-8feeding is requiring daily.
Normally the 10-14th day after giving birth, infant will need to breastfeed more.

Other than that, diapers will be the good indicators for infant feeding. Breast milk is concentrated so normally breastfeed infant require only 1/2 diapers for the first 24-48hours after given birth. Following the 2-4 days, six or more diapers are required. The diapers should be clean and very pale urine only. For bowel movements, breastfeeding infant may not have one per day.

Mother who chooses to breastfeed their infant should not worry about the insufficient breast milk produce. There is myth saying mother produce not enough milk! This is nonsense. Mother’s milk is overabundance. So this is not an issue to worry about. Some of the baby does not get the sufficient milk and lose weight this is not because the mother produces not enough milk, it is the poorly latched onto the breast that will be the main cause of losing weight in infant. So, mother should learn the correct way to latch a baby properly from expert.

The frequent feeding will stimulate the milk production. Mother should before firm and full before feeding and softer and empty after feeding. Mother should be able to feel the baby gently pulling sensation on the nipple but not pinching or biting sensation if the baby latched successfully.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Advantages of Breastfeeding

Most of today's mothers know the advantages of breastfeeding but the thought of nursing make most of them feel with dread. And it is ordinary to have such feeling. But try to understand more before you make up your mind to either breastfeeding or formula feed your infant.

But do you know that, breast is actually the central focus point of the baby. Breast is the source of comfort and security. Baby feels soft and warm when sucking the breast. It is a natural bonding where breast and baby have a close connection.

Human milk in uniquely produce for infant feeding. Human milk promotes growth, health and development in infant.

Below are the advantages of breastfeeding. Try to read more and understand more about breastfeeding:

  1. Breast milk is the perfect nutrition for newborn. It contains all the nutritional needs of infant.
  2. Breast milk also helps in the digestion by the enzymes, vitamins and mineral contain naturally in breast milk.
  3. Breast milk reduces the risk of acute and chronic infections of the infant.
  4. Breast milk also contains infections-fighting antibodies and aid development in immune system.
  5. Breast milk contains high cholesterol content which enhances brain development; improve cognitive development, building blocks of hormones, vitamin D and intestinal bile.
  6. Breastfeeding also satisfy baby's need to be held close with the mother. Baby love to be held close ad cuddles.

Breastfeeding also benefits mother. Let me share with you the advantages of breastfeeding to mother:

  1. Baby sucking helps to shrink mother's uterus after giving birth. This will help in reducing weight after childbirth for breast feeding moms.
  2. Breastfeeding help to balance the hormonal and emotional naturally.
  3. Breastfeeding reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
  4. Breastfeeding enhance the natural bonding between mother and baby. Mother can enjoy the joy that cannot be express through words by nourishing your baby at your breast and watching the growth of the baby one day after another.
  5. Breastfeeding is less expensive compare to formula feeding.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Basic knowledge-Bathing your baby

Become the new parents for newborn will be excited to learn about how to bath their newborn. Bathing your baby is a way to welcome the baby to the world and celebration for their present in the world. Every parent should carefully plan it out so that you will not miss out all the important items and you are bathing your baby in a safe way.

Before bath your baby, you should start with planning. Plan your baby’s bath carefully. Prepare everything before you start the bath. This will makes bathing process easier and safer. Check the water temperature. Do not let the water temperature exceed 120 degrees. Baby gets scalded easily. Fill up the tub with warm water. Remember to test the water temperature with your wrist or elbow. Make sure the water is not hot but warm. Prepare and check everything is ready, mild soap/shower gel, cotton balls and a clean diaper in the container. Place the container in a corner which is the near to the washroom. Double check all the items in order to avoid any accident. This must be done because if you forget to bring an item, you will need to carry your baby with you and it will be very dangerous when the baby is wet and slippery.

Before bath your baby, bear in mind that do not leave your baby alone in water. Ignore all the disruptions when bathing your baby. Do not leave your baby alone in the bath tub. For baby first bath, sponge baths is recommended until baby’s umbilical cord or circumcision is healed. Then only tub bath is allowed.

You can choose to use either bath tub or plastic baby tub. Find something to line the tub to prevent baby from slipping. Select a proper location for bathing is very important. Choose a place which is warm and not drafty to avoid the baby get chilled. Place your baby on a bath towel in her crib or flat surface. But confirm baby cannot roll off from the flat surface.

For the shower gel or detergents, do not use bubble type because this may cause rashes for baby. Use damp cotton balls or cotton pads to gently wipe baby’s eyes before putting her in bath tub. Make sure that baby’s head is supporting when he is in the bath tub.

Take baby’s clothes off. Put the washcloth in the warm water you prepares and squeeze the water from cloth until it is just damp. Use the washcloth to wipe your baby all over, including his head, face and neck, outside and behind the ears and between the fingers and toes. The washcloth used, must be a clean, damp washcloth without soap. Make sure that the soap suds do not get into his eyes. Only wash baby’s hair and scalp gently once or twice a week. After washing with a soapy washcloth, rinse the washcloth and rinse him off. Pay your baby dry with a towel. Remember to keep baby covered and warm when he is wet to prevent him getting cold.

Newborn does not need to bath everyday. You can wipe his face, diaper area and area which get dirty.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Self Introduction

Hi world. i am Gwendeline from Malaysia. I am a young lady which are very obssesed with internet marketing.Attending seminar and learning how to setup a website. But no matter how many internet marketing i attend, i discover one thing. Internet guru will start with, find your niche market.Find what is your passion and what you would love to?Start with your passion, develop your passion into money making machine.Wah..this sound cool. Develop your passion into money making machine sound fantastic...But then i start to wonder what is my passion. I just graduated from university, i am an engineering background student. But i dont have anything i am expert in. I start thinking and wondering what is my passion ?I start to do some research on.. what is my passion...

Come to a day ,i went to Borders bookstore..reading CLEO magazine. Suddenly i come to a page talking about parenting. How to educate your child.Its a mother expressing her happiness when her son call her the first time," mummy!". I am a young lady, not yet ready to have any kids.But i still think, every mother will be very happy and excited when their son/daughter calling them for the first time "Mummy!" yeah...its great..I suddenly have the urge to know how to be a good parent?I don't think its an easier task!Everybody will become parent one day.But how to become a good parent to your children, its really a knowledge to learn.

Some i come into parenting world.

Eating Habit During Pregnancy- Part 1

Eating Habit for Pregnancy -Part 2